"This positive response was evident throughout the evening as the audience enjoyed a rich musical program. The SUGC Chamber Choir delivered a haunting calmness in an earlier work of Christopher's, Sweet Silence After Bells and the orchestra moved through an exquisitely luscious performance of Danses Sacrée at Profane and Prélude à l'Aprè Midi d'un Faune by Debussy. In the second half of the program the choir perfromed a stirring rendition of Stanford's seafaring choral work Songs of the Fleet. A rousing Jerusalem was the finale and prompted calls for an encore, in which the audience enthusiastically joined in.
"We felt very privileged to be involved in the first ever hearing of "Songs of the heart". The spell-binding orchestration was almost overwhelming in its power and its plumbing of the heights and depths of emotion. A truly memorable day".